Thursday, September 2, 2010

A moMent of Reflection

I just realized something about me recently..

I realize I’ve been so caught up in my everyday problems that I simply forget to stop and take a good look at my life right now. I mean..

Hey.. Life is good, actually...

I’m healthy, I have a roof over my head, A loving family, a beautiful city with clean air that I get to live in, ABG who is supportive, though sometimes gave me headaches..

In fact this evening, I get to see a beautiful environment that i ignored before,MasyaAllah ..just outside my room. How about that! I even took a picture of it.. I looked at it and just wowed. Here..I’ll show you.

Great isn’t it? It looks better in reality, mind my poor photo-taking technique.

Anyway.. I realized, that this last few months, I’ve been such a complainer.. an egotistic one! I didn’t even realize I have that big of an ego. My ego it seems are SO BIG that I sweat and complaints on all the little stuff.. Giving tantrum to all the people around me.. The people I love got the most because they are around me most of the time.. I even made ABG cry. I was such an idiot.

And for what? If I stop and stare at my life in this instance. Masya Allah.. God has given me so much.. And I always wants more.. more respect, more service, more politeness, more support, more love, more sensitivity, more..more..more for my Ego. Hell, I want to live in my dream world where everything is PERFECT the way I want them to be. There’s no way that will happen.

I forgot to just Be Grateful..

If I didn’t stop to take a look outside of my room window this afternoon, I wouldn’t have notice the rainbow soar beautifully to the blue sky. I wouldn’t have notice the gorgeous silhouette of mountains behind the sprawl of UIA building. I forgot how beautiful the scenery from my room here in UIA. I forgot..

I forgot about all the little things that are beautiful, fulfilling, inspiring, enlightening that surrounded me. If only I focus my energy on those good stuffs instead of the bad, my life would’ve gotten even better.

You know.. Life is Perfect just the way it is..

Because Allah is Perfect with His plans..

My prayer to GOD before I go to sleep tonight is for forgiveness. Forgiveness for me and for everyone I cared about and let down.. And may God open their hearts to also forgive me for my mistakes.. I pray to Him, let me be a person who never let the gleam and troubles of the world blind her from the blessings she received.. to always be grateful for all the good and the bad. To always be in His light and His Mercy.. Aminnn..

Friday, August 6, 2010

SoMeOnes CarEs About YoU

At times when you feel..

At the end of your rope..

Trapped and depressed..
What should you do?

Cry in despair?

Get Angry?..And turn into a monster?
Get drunk?..Take drugs?
Even if you feel..
Very sad.
very upset....

such a fool person.....


Remember,there is SOMEONE.....
Who really cares about you.....
Always LOOKING AFTER you...
Every seconds......

REALLY love u.....
Guess who.......

Monday, July 12, 2010

today is .....

hari ni memg lawak sgt wat diriku yg bergelar sorang student uia yg cari kelas hampir sejam xjumpa2...
aq tepon membe,jmpa org kejap kata blok sna,kjap kata blok cni...
lastly,balik smbung tidoq yela smalam lam tern xtdoq pon....
xtau saipa...
smalam aq p stesen ketepi sendri,mlas nk nyusahkan mama anta kt ktm....
arini klas waktu ptg jer....
alhamdulillah suma da setel.....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

PercubaaN yg mNakjubkan....

sja la aq nk tmbah pendapat lg,dri dok saja kan...
lau aq pk 3 hari 2 mlm,tetibe idea dtg lg...
why not aq jual karipap kan.....
dari makan tdo2.....

Alhamdulillah...hari pertama karipap laku boleh tahan.....
jd xmustahil aq akn wat sehingga abes cuti ni....
jom tgk ....
ni da siap adunannya

okek,yg ni plak inti

lepas siap suma bhn2 leh la kita mulakan wat karipap

okek pastu goreng karipap dengan api yg sederhana

Thursday, July 1, 2010

tika itu......

hmmm,boring2 nk wat pe yer kt umah....
ha,time 2 la munculnyer idea..."ha,smalam kan da korek ubin kayu,why not aq wat kerepek ubi kan..."
maka,bngun la aq ke dapor memulakan aktiviti menggoreng...

da masak,leh la angkat.....

menapis minyak sebelum bercampur ngn gula...

lihatla hasilnya......

Sunday, June 27, 2010

bersatu padu bersihkan kebun mama.....

Hari ni suma kne trun kebun...kata mama"sapa2 masok kebun mama blanja bihun sup Pak Tam.."Apa lg,aq ngn dik san pakat2 suka nk masuk kebun (yeah bihun sup!)...
mcm2 yg mama usahakan,asal kmi blik ja ada pokok bru yg iditanam mama..
tngn mama betoi2 sejuk xmcm aq,asal tanam pokok jd pendek la(mcm tuan dia),xberbuah la,mcm2...
tgkla begitu bersemangat mama....=)

ngah tarik daun2 kering.....

jangan pandang org pakai kain batik xleh wat keje,hehehehe...

pastu siap tok dibakar......

ni semua hasil tanga n mama
ubi kayu
pisang nangka

buah naga
buah dokong arwah baba tanam....
Alhamdulillah taun ni baru berbuahni la yg dikatakan mama tanam labu,diksan dpt nama =)

pokok cabai mama

exam! exam! exam!

Exam period extravaganza

My last exam period is approaching, and I have already gotten into the studying mode. This exam period, is a little bit different than previous exam periods. SHORTSEM exam period...
oh takotnyer......
tkotnyerrrrrrr,tp buku xpgg lg cne ni,huwaaaaaa!......
my paper on 15 n 17's mean next week....

kne tempuh bende2 ni dulu pastu bru leh balik kg,yeah!
oooooo,balik kg
oooooo,balik kg hati girang..=)pd member2 yg akan exam dulu gudluck sumer....

kecik kecik da ghajin baca buku xmcm aq,huhuhu

ewah! sampai meniarap pon.....